• About Legend uh t' Green Dragon
MightyE tells 'oo, "We're go'ng t' take a few moments t' try ahn explain this new license ahn t' reasons behind it in plain English. The legalese for the license can be found online at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/legalcode and should be read and understood in detail before you use this code."

"This new license was chosen because uh a fail'ng with t' GPL. It only covered distribution uh source if ahn only if binaries were distributed."

"In a web environment, specifically an interpreted web environment such as PHP, merely install'ng a game does not constitute distribution, ahn theref're people were tak'ng our work, mak'ng modifications t' it ahn not releas'ng t' source code t' their modifications so that t' entire community could benefit. They worked with t' letter but not t' spirit uh t' law."

"Investigation on t' part uh t' authors however, led t' t' fact that t' right uh public perf'rmance was eeny uh t' rights normally restricted t' copyright holders, AND that computer programs, specifically video games ahn interactive ones such as Legend uh t' Green Dragon were considered t' be publically perf'rmed if run from a public server."

"t' new license restricts public perf'rmance uh t' work unless t' source code uh t' modified work ah made available on demand."

"In plain English, this means that if 'oo put this game on a web server ahn allow people 'outside uh a normal circle uh family ahn its social acquaintances' t' play there, then 'oo are publically perf'rm'ng this work ahn MUST either a) make any ahn ALL changes which 'oo make t' t' game available on request (note this doesn't have t' be available via t' online source display link, but they must be able t' ask 'oo f'r t' code AND receive a complete copy), b) make arrangements privately with t' authors wherein they grant 'oo a special license, or c) remove t' code entirely from t' machine."

"We do recognize that people want t' have areas uh their game which are theirs ahn theirs alone. To that end we will make t' follow'ng exception t' t' normal requirements f'r source code distribution -- any module file which ah not modified or derived from a module file included in t' base distribution AND which does not require any other modules AND which does not require any modifications t' t' core code (code distributed with t' base release) may be withheld at t' authors discretion."

"We also want t' make very clear that version 0.9.7 (also known as version 0.9.7+jt) was t' final version released under t' GPL. All versions, start'ng with t' 0.9.8-prerelease code are only licensed under t' Creative Commons license. We EXPLICITLY deny t' right t' import any code from a 0.9.8-prerelease or later release into a 0.9.7 ahn earlier release. Allow'ng this would cause that imported code t' be released under t' GPL ahn that ah not someth'ng we wish t' allow. Authors uh modifications t' 0.9.7 will need t' re-release their modifications as derivatives/modifications t' 0.9.8 code ahn place them under t' same Creative Commons license. It must be done by t' original author since only t' original author has t' right t' change t' copyright or license upon their work. [Additionally, rework'ng t' modifications will be a good idea anyway as t' mechanism f'r mak'ng modifications ah substantially cleaner/clearer start'ng with t' 0.9.8-prerelease code.]"
Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
Game Design and Code: Copyright © 2002-2005, Eric Stevens & JT Traub, © 2006-2007, Dragonprime Development Team
Design: Jade Template © Josh Canning 2004 of HFS
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